Observation Patient

Your doctor has assigned you to an outpatient observation stay. This means we will watch you for a while longer in the hospital so we can treat your symptoms.


What is an outpatient observation stay?

Your outpatient observation stay is a continuation of your outpatient visit, even though you will now be in a hospital room. The advantage to you is that we can keep caring for you in a more comfortable area. A full inpatient admission may not be needed.


Will my insurance cover this?

Outpatient services such as these are covered differently than an inpatient hospital stay. Your insurance plan should describe your outpatient benefits. Outpatient observation does not qualify for Medicare coverage of nursing home placement.

Medicare and other insurances may not cover your usual medicines (the ones you routinely take at home) that are given during your stay. Please have your medicines from home brought to the hospital.


When will I be discharged?

Your nurse and doctor will check your progress often in order to get you home as soon as possible. You will be discharged as soon as your progress has improved. This may occur any time during the day or night. Please be sure you arrange to have someone take you home.


If you have any questions, please let your nurse know.