Representatives of the Bellevue Kiwanis Recently Accepted a Check in the Amount of $3,800 From the Bellevue Hospital (TBH). Accepting on Behalf of Kiwanis Were Amy Reiderman and Janet Scagnetti

  • Fay Wade, representing The Bellevue Hospital’s Community Services Department, presents the $3,800 check to Bellevue Kiwanis members Amy Reiderman and Janet Scagnetti.

The check is the result of the 26th Annual Blood Analysis Program, held in May, with over 1,000 people participating.  The Blood Analysis Program offers low cost health screening for the community. Eighteen tests, including cholesterol, sugar, calcium, iron, and triglycerides, are offered as part of the event.

“We are very pleased with the reception from the community,” said Peg Natole, with TBH’s Community Services Department. “The screening provides a low cost way to monitor health risks and also provides the Kiwanis with a method of raising money for other community events and projects.”

“Perhaps most gratifying are the comments from the participants, who appreciate the voluntary efforts of The Bellevue Hospital and Kiwanis,” Natole continued.   “A number of people have thanked us and said that because of the Blood Analysis Program, a medical problem was detected early and greatly improved the success of the recovery.” 

Continued Natole, “In researching historical data on the Blood Analysis Program, we discovered that back in 1993 during our 7th annual event, 182 people participated and the Kiwanis realized a profit of about $200 total. We have come a very long way in both number of people taking part in the program and the amount of money we have been able to generate for the local Kiwanis. This is due in part to the great cooperation and participation by the Kiwanis members."