Several members of local and area Gold Wing Road Riders groups participated in a Teddy Bear Run to The Bellevue Hospital (TBH) on June 5. The motorcycle riders brought with them brand new stuffed animals and toys, and new children’s books. The toys and books will be used by various TBH departments to calm or comfort sick or injured children. Cyclists came from Wakeman, Marblehead, Mansfield, Huron, Marion, Norwalk, and Bellevue. Taking part in the ride were, front row, Teresa Yoakum. Second row left to right, Tony Monastra, Alice Schauss, Chuck Butcher, Faye Moseley, Karen Austin, Debbe Steinhilber, Steve Yoakum, and Jim Moseley. Back row, George Austin, Tim Schauss, Mike Hudson, and Larry Steinhilber. Tony, Alice, Chuck, Karen, Steve, George, Tim, Teresa are all from the Bellevue Chapter K-2, Ohio Region D, of the Gold Wing Road Riders.