Babysitters Learn Responsibilities at TBH's Recent Class

  • (1st Row) Elaina King, Olivia Blair, Maraina Gaunt, Addy Myers; (2nd Row) Alyssa Heiser, Brooke Childers, Mikayla Brown, Gabby Brown, Madalyn Espinosa; (3rd Row) Brianna Williams, Taylor Peck, Mya Prochnow, Becca Johnson, and Ayva Alexander.

A total of 14 local and area students have become better babysitters, the result of completing a “Babysitting Basics” all-day course at The Bellevue Hospital.

The participants met from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 19 in the hospital’s Burson Conference Rooms. The class is for potential babysitters ages 11 and older.

The course introduced the future babysitters to the roles and responsibilities of the babysitter, including how to handle emergencies and illness, the basics of bathing, diapering, and feeding infants, playtime suggestions, and safety and nutrition.

Each student received a certificate of completion and a handbook. Lunch was also provided for the participants.

The "Babysitting Basics" class is held twice a year at The Bellevue Hospital. The next class is scheduled for Monday, June 11, 2018. Class size is limited to the first 25 participants to register. For more information, or to register, call 4419.483.4040, Ext. 3067. Class fee is $25.