TBH’s Ultrasound Program Accredited

  • Ultrasound technicians at The Bellevue Hospital are pictured in one of the hospital’s ultrasound imaging rooms. Seated is Laurie Stimmel, RT(R)(CT) RDMS (OBGYN) RVT. Standing from left to right are Cara Vickery, RT(R)(M)(CV) RDMS, Jonna Frankforther, RDMS

The Bellevue Hospital’s Radiology Department has been awarded a three-year term of accreditation in Obstetric, Gynecological and General Ultrasound Services, as the result of a recent survey by the American College of Radiology (ACR)

The ACR, headquartered in Reston, Va., awards accreditation to facilities for the achievement of high practice standards after a peer-review evaluation of its practice.

Evaluations are conducted by board-certified physicians and medical physicists who are experts in the field. They assess the qualifications of the personnel and the adequacy of facility equipment.

“ACR accreditation programs provide a high level of confidence for patients, referring physicians and managed care organizations that only the highest quality care is being provided by accredited facilities,” said Marc Schoen, RT (R), leader of TBH’s Radiology Department. “The ACR certificates of accreditation give assurance that staff and equipment have passed the ACR’s rigorous evaluation.”

The current accreditation runs through 2012.

The Bellevue Hospital’s mammography, CT, and MRI departments are also accredited through the American College of Radiology.

Additional information may be obtained through the hospital’s Radiology Department at 419.483.4040, Ext. 4293.